This script is also able to provide a detailed distribution of read length and read span for your convenience. Please refer to the detailed usage below.
This script is distributed in GitHub now.
Usage: [ SAM file | -]
samtools view [ BAM file ] | -
Detailed Usage:
usage: [-h] [--span-distribution-file SPAN_DISTRIBUTION_FILE]
[--read-distribution-file READ_DISTRIBUTION_FILE]
Automatically estimate the insert size of the paired-end reads for a given
SAM/BAM file.
positional arguments:
SAMFILE Input SAM file (use - from standard input)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Write the distribution of the paired-end read span
into a text file with name SPAN_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.
This text file is tab-delimited, each line containing
two numbers: the span and the number of such paired-
end reads.
Write the distribution of the paired-end read length
into a text file with name READ_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.
This text file is tab-delimited, each line containing
two numbers: the read length and the number of such
paired-end reads.
usage: [-h] [--span-distribution-file SPAN_DISTRIBUTION_FILE]
[--read-distribution-file READ_DISTRIBUTION_FILE]
Automatically estimate the insert size of the paired-end reads for a given
SAM/BAM file.
positional arguments:
SAMFILE Input SAM file (use - from standard input)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Write the distribution of the paired-end read span
into a text file with name SPAN_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.
This text file is tab-delimited, each line containing
two numbers: the span and the number of such paired-
end reads.
Write the distribution of the paired-end read length
into a text file with name READ_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.
This text file is tab-delimited, each line containing
two numbers: the read length and the number of such
paired-end reads.
Sample output:
Read length: mean 90.6697303194, STD=15.9446036414
Possible read length and their counts:
{108: 43070882, 76: 50882326}
Read span: mean 165.217445903, STD=32.8914834802
Note: If the SAM/BAM file size is too large, it is accurate enough to estimate based on a few reads (like 1 millioin). In this case, you can run the script as follows:
head -n 1000000 [ SAM file ] | -
samtools view [ BAM file ] | head -n 1000000 | -
Note: According to the SAM definition, the read span "equals the number of bases from the leftmost mapped base to the rightmost mapped base". This span is the distance between two reads in a paired-end read PLUS 2 times read length. Read span is different from the "mate-inner-distance" in Tophat (-r option), which measures only the distance between two reads in a paired-end read.